ICA Welcomes You

International Certification Authority (ICA) is a reliable worldwide training, certification and inspection body for its customers, performing assessments by expert evaluators, which provides value to client’s management system. Number of clients in different regions have greatly benefited through our consummate services in the Asia, Middle East and Other countries. In a very short period of time, International Certification Authority became one of the respected and well known CBs worldwide with the experience in auditing, testing, inspection, calibration and certification. International Certification Authority (ICA) helps organizations to manage risk, achieve registration, and drive improvement through training, audits, and inspection & testing programs.

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Latest News

  • March 05, 2024 Climate Change Revisions to ISO standards
    On 23rd February 2024, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) released amendments to several widely used ISO standards, including: ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 27001 ISO 45001 ISO 22301 These revisions address critical aspects r Read More >>
  • December 10, 2023 Opportunities for Improvement (OFIs)
    Continuous improvement is a fundamental principle of ISO standards and certifications, and OFIs (opportunities for improvement) are a key part of this. Whether you’re well-versed in ISO standards or just starting, this guide aims to provide a strai Read More >>
  • October 24, 2023 Remote Work and its Risk
    Remote risk assessments and ISO 45001 are crucial for ensuring workplace well-being and safety, especially in remote work. Assessments help identify hazards and risks, allowing organisations to implement necessary controls and measures. ISO 45001 pro Read More >>
  • July 20, 2023 Workplace Fire Safety
    In any workplace, the safety and well-being of its inhabitants stand paramount, and fire safety holds a pivotal place within that spectrum. There are many elements of fire safety in the workplace, from who is responsible for any given activity to ite Read More >>
  • May 15, 2023 What is ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’?
    While most businesses want to improve and grow, many need help to make the necessary changes. Bureaucracy, silos and company culture can impede progress and hinder innovation. The ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)’ process was developed to help organi Read More >>
  • February 10, 2023 Artificial Intelligence good news for cyber security
    Right now, the answer depends on who you ask, which is confusing for professionals whose job it is to have an informed opinion. If you’re a tech or security vendor, it’s likely you see AI as something positive that cyber security has been buildin Read More >>
  • November 25, 2022 Announced to ISO 27001 for 2022
    The latest version of the standard, ISO 27001:2022, was published by ISO on 25th October 2022. This article provides an update on the latest information available and explains what this means for ISO 27001 certificate holders. Read More >>
  • June 20, 2022 Today’s Data Security Threats
    The algorithm showed it was possible for a hypothetical quantum computer to efficiently factorise large numbers in what mathematicians call polynomial time, something which no computer at that time was able to do within a practical timescale. Read More >>
  • March 05, 2022 Protect Duty legislation
    Protect Duty is a newly proposed legislation that will place more responsibility on the owners of publicly accessible locations for security and protection from terrorist incidents. According to the government, a publicly accessible location is a pla Read More >>
  • December 15, 2021 Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response
    Event may have the ability to affect the environment or, in the opposite way, be something occurring in the environment that can affect your organisation. Either way, there needs to be a plan in place so that should the situation arise, essential pr Read More >>
  • August 10, 2021 Cyber Security Investment
    Reducing the risk of cyber attacks is about hiring skilled security staff backed by the latest, up-to-date security systems and services. The catch, of course, is that many organisations don’t realise this until they have suffered a security breach Read More >>
  • May 15, 2021 The best out of ISO 9001
    Improved quality, performance, efficiencies and business relationships are just some of the benefits of implementing a quality management system (QMS) such as ISO 9001. Standards focusing on specific requirements that help optimize the use of a QMS h Read More >>
  • January 15, 2021 Biometric Security
    A new series of International Standards has just been published. ISO/IEC 19989, Information security – Criteria and methodology for security evaluation of biometric systems, has just been published to help ensure they are protected from such attack Read More >>
  • December 20, 2020 Working Safely In a Pandemic
    COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world of work upside down and employers are faced with challenges never seen before. Recognizing the need for comprehensive yet generic guidance on protecting staff while continuing to function effectively, ISO occupa Read More >>
  • September 27, 2020 World Tourism Day
    ISO has a number of International Standards that serve as important tools to help key players in the tourism industry. These include standards developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 228, Tourism and related services. With more than 30 standards Read More >>
  • January 15, 2020 Drone Standard
    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a set of global standards for drone operations around the world. The aim is simple: to keep manned aircraft and the public safe and improve accountability among drone pilots. Read More >>
  • January 15, 2020 Drone Standard
    The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a set of global standards for drone operations around the world. The aim is simple: to keep manned aircraft and the public safe and improve accountability among drone pilots. Read More >>
  • September 02, 2019 Standard for Travel and Tourism
    Safety and security are vital to the enjoyment of any holiday or travel adventure, to know that thousands of standards are working behind the scenes to prevent from becoming a statistic. Including everything from ensuring trains, planes and automobil Read More >>
  • August 30, 2019 Standard for Safety Signs
    Safety signs are essential for preventing accidents and injury, symbols that are internationally agreed and globally used in safety signs ensure clarity and consistency, regardless of language, culture or setting. ISO standard that is a reference for Read More >>
  • May 20, 2019 World Metrology Day
    World Metrology Day is an event occurring on the 20th of May celebrating the International System of Units. The date is the anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention in 1875. Metrology is the study of measurement. Read More >>
  • January 05, 2019 Green Business Strategy
    The same disruptive technologies that are changing our lives and revolutionizing virtually every sector of the economy can be used to create a more sustainable world. By setting the standards that frame these initiatives, ISO/TC 207 helps scale solut Read More >>
  • November 15, 2018 IT security risks
    The attraction of cybercrime to criminal hackers is obvious: tangled webs of interactions, relatively low penalties, disjointed approaches on money laundering and potentially massive payouts. The key is preparation and seeing vulnerabilities, and res Read More >>
  • June 26, 2018 Standard ISO 22000:2018
    ISO 22000:2018 was released on June 19 2018, and is an international standard. As it follows the same High Level Structure (HLS) structure as other widely applied ISO standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, it will be easier to integrate with othe Read More >>
  • March 12, 2018 Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001
    ISO 45001 is an International Standard that specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, with guidance for its use, to enable an organisation to proactively improve its OH&S performance in preventing injury a Read More >>
  • December 20, 2017 IEC 60601-1 3rd Edition Risk Management
    Manufacturers of medical devices have to evaluate and test their products according to IEC/EN/UL/60601-1. During the early design review or pre-compliance evaluation, understand the new requirement now a part of the 3rd edition of the 60601-1. Risk Read More >>
  • October 10, 2017 Smart Home Devices
    Smart home devices are rapidly becoming a large part of the home, it is important that the materials they are made of are harmless to people, pets and the environment. We know that some soft plastics contain plasticizers, and some clear plastics cont Read More >>
  • July 15, 2017 Cyber Security Risks
    Organizations and their production facilities, plants and systems need to be secured in a way that enables a business to still continue to drive innovation. Issues include how to monitor, systems and networks for technical vulnerabilities, define and Read More >>
  • May 05, 2017 IDT CDMA ICA 9000
    ICA 9000 International reconciliation and mediation service standards, you can register internationally as an professional recognized Certified Competent Conciliator or Debit Mediator. Read More >>
  • January 10, 2017 Standard ISO 37001:2016
    Anti-bribery Management System is designed to instill an anti-bribery culture within an organisation and implement appropriate controls, which will in turn increase the chance of detecting bribery and reduce its incidence in the first place. Read More >>
  • October 21, 2016 Modern Slavery Act
    Modern Slavery Act 2015 does not just apply to organisations “own” personnel, it also applies to those within the organisations supply chain. Read More >>
  • May 07, 2016 Standard New Version Notice
    New Standards has been published for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 version. ICA is announcing that ICA will start the compliance for the new standards from 01.04.2016. The existing client of ICA can plan in conjugation with next surveillance due. Read More >>
  • February 20, 2016 Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001
    The ISO 45001, the new international standard for health and safety management could be further delayed until 2018, and could now be as late as next June. To combat the problem, ISO is developing a new standard, ISO 45001 Occupational health and safe Read More >>
  • November 03, 2015 Standard ISO 14001:2015
    The newly revised version of ISO 14001:2015, the popular international standard for environmental management, has been published. The changes to the standard offer multiple benefits to organizations in reducing their environmental impact and understa Read More >>
  • September 23, 2015 Standard ISO 9001:2015
    The newly revised version of ISO 9001:2015, the world’s most popular standard for quality management, has been published. The changes to the standard make it flexible enough to offer multiple benefits to organizations. Read More >>
  • June 5, 2015 UNEP World Environmental Day
    The climate change is an environmental change a serious threat to the health, security and prosperity of current and future generations. Read More >>
  • March 10, 2015 Business Growth Tips: Finding Grants
    For any small organisation, the chicken-and-egg scenario is a common one. Many start their own businesses because they have seen opportunities where they can add value, but the challenge is to then find the finance so you can be in a position to gras Read More >>
  • January 20, 2015 Green Deal Initiative
    Green Deal will provide unprecedented choice for consumers wanting to improve their homes and make them more energy efficient. This cash back offer will help get the Green Deal off to a flying start. It really is a great offer – the more work house Read More >>
  • December 05, 2014 Guide to Reducing Waste
    Improving your resource efficiency can reduce your carbon footprint, improve your environmental performance and enhance your corporate image. This all leads to better financial performance and keeps you competitive. Below are some quick and easy to i Read More >>
  • August 20, 2014 Energy Saving Advice
    Beyond shopping around, there are professional energy brokers and business energy consultancies who can offer bespoke utilities solutions and strategies for the management of all of your commercial electricity, water and gas requirements. They will e Read More >>
  • July 10, 2014 Tendering Advice
    In the current financial climate, many companies are tendering for Government contracts to boost much needed revenues. Covering all bases is essential for winning tenders, so we have compiled some advice for companies new to the tendering process wit Read More >>
  • MAY 25, 2014 Quality Audits
    A quality audit is a meticulous assessment of a company’s various systems and processes. It’s a process designed to ensure that the procedures in place meet specific standards, often those set by external bodies such as ISO. This rigorous evaluat Read More >>



Maintaining our professional integrity in our dealings with clients and in the communities where we do business is the only way to protect our reputation in the marketplace.

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We ensures that all information about the client obtained during the performance of certification activities remains confidential.

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We use our scale and expertise to enable a more sustainable future and ensure that minimize our impact on the environment throughout the value chain.

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